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These little zipper parts play a big role in proper zipper function.

When your zipper parts break, it can be a real drag. Unfortunately, this kind of problem happens a lot. 

Zipper is stuck: If your zipper is stuck, there is a good chance that there is something blocking the slider from moving. Fabric or loose threads are common reasons why a zipper gets stuck. You can use a zipper lubricant to lubricate the slider and free your zipper.

Zipper will not close or keeps popping up: The zipper may have a thread or cloth stuck in it, crooked teeth, or the slider may be broken. If fixing the teeth or freeing the zipper does not work, you may need to replace the zipper.

Slider pulls off: If the slider is coming off, you should replace it with a new one. Make sure to choose a slider that is the correct size for your zipper and its teeth.

We offer replacement zipper pulls for almost every type of zipper. When a zipper pull breaks but the rest of your garment or bag,  is otherwise in-tact, find a replacement zipper pull and extend its life. To replace the zipper pull, you’ll need to identify the size/gauge of the zipper, and the type of zipper teeth.

Curious for more? REACH US BY EMAIL: textile01@sh-risesea.com